National Education System

Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Chapter IV Article 10 states that the government and local government has the right directing, guiding, and supervising the implementation of education in accordance with the legislation in force. Furthermore, Article 11 Paragraph (1) also states that the Government and the Local Government shall provide services and facilities, as well as ensure the quality education for every citizen without discrimination. With the enactment of Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, Local Government authority in the administration of education in the region becomes larger. The second birth of the legislation marked a new system of education in the administration of centralized systems tend to be more decentralized.

Curriculum as one substance education needs to be decentralized, especially in the development and implementation of a syllabus tailored to the demanding needs of students, a state school, and the school or local conditions. Thus, schools or regions have sufficient authority to design and specify the teaching materials, instructional activities, and assessment of learning outcomes.

For that, a lot of things that need to be prepared by the area because most of the policies related to the implementation of the National Standards implemented by the school or district. Schools should develop educational curriculum unit level (SBC) or syllabus by way of elaboration and adjustment of Content Standards and Graduates Competency Standards established by Decree No.. 23 of 2006.

In the Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards explained:
Learning curriculum and syllabus SD / MI / SDLB / Package A, or any other form that emphasizes the importance of equal ability and penchant for reading and writing, numeracy skills and the ability to communicate (Article 6, Paragraph 6)
Schools and school committees, or madrassah and Islamic committees, develop curriculum and syllabus based education unit basic framework curriculum and competency standards under the supervision of District Education Office / City who is responsible for education for elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational schools, as well as department that handles government affairs in the field of religion for MI, MTs, MA, and MAK (Article 17, Paragraph 2)
Perencanan learning process includes learning syllabus and implementation plan containing at least the purpose of learning, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning (Article 20)
Under the provisions of the above, county or school has wiggle room as possible to make modifications and variations to develop the organization of education in accordance with the circumstances, potential and needs of the region, as well as the condition of the students. For purposes of the above, there needs to guide the development of the syllabus for each subject, so that the area or the school would have no trouble.

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